Fucking Inframan.

I was maybe eight when my dad came home one day with this tape and I must've watched that thing like fifity times before I lost the tape in a tornado in 03. Ever since then, I've been looking all over the internet trying to find out about it because I remember it ruling, but could never find anything (probably because for the last 9 years I thought it was called "Infrared Man." Whoops.)
What matters is this is like the best movie ever. I've been reading this and it's just bringing back a flood of memories of wanting to be in this movie. I'm so stoked to finally remember just what it was.
So yeah. This is what I do on Saturday nights.
On another movie related note, last night I saw Ratatouille, and it was about the best looking thing I've ever seen. There's a scene around a sewer and it's mind blowing how great it looks. It's also flat out a great movie. I don't think this often, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna buy it as soon as it come out.
And on another movie thing, last night/ this morning, I watched Crash (1996) on IFC. Sometime around 98 I asked my parents about X-rated or NC-17 movies and they mentioned seeing this. They just said it was about car wrecks. Cool. I've waited almost ten years to see this.
And I'm so fucking angry that my parents didn't tell me how fucking bad it is. By far, the worst movie I've ever seen, even beating out Hail Caesar, which I didn't think it'd be possible to be worse than. Ugh.