Rap sucks too.

New Jersey, on the other hand, does not. It's almost disgusting how many good things are coming out of that state in 2007. Maybe it's disgusting how many terrible things are coming out of everywhere else. Rest of the world: Step your game up. Thanks.

First up on the list of things that rule from New Jersey is
Hellhole. Ever since Ryan O'Connor found a life and quit posting on the B9er, this has been your best way to get your ROC fix. Luckily their killer selftitled record doesn't suffer from Poison Fingers Syndrome. It just slays nonstop with some of the hardest core you can get slapped in the face with. The bass sound on this thing is fucking ridiculous. They just posted the art for their next record on
Don Giovanni Records, and it's got me totally stoked for what's coming next.

For Science put out not just one, but fucking TWO of the best records to come out this year. Pope on a pogo stick, they're good. Somehow I managed to not care about this band until the art for the Way Out of Control EP showed up on the internet, and it totally sucked me in. The inside layout is great too. An around excellent release that would put most bands to shame, and yet somehow that wasn't enough. Their LP (out soon in vinyl form on Don G) is probably the best record to come out this year. It's mindblowing how good this band is. I'd go as far as saying that I don't like you if you don't like this record. It's that good. Fuck you if you don't like it. This MRR review is awesome though.
FOR SCIENCE - "Tomorrow's Just Another Day"CD The press release attached with Tomorrow's Just
Another Day describes a "frantic sound" with "spastic
nervous energy" and talks of "screams and cuts." In
actuality, this is white-bread modern day pop music—
the kind that's playing in SUVs driven by the children of
soccer moms. Tomorrow's Just Another Day does not
contain a note of music that is frantic, spastic, or the
least bit interesting. For some reason, FOR SCIENCE
name-drops POISON IDEA in the thanks list, so I guess
they are aware of "frantic" music. According to the press
release, they have a marketing firm backing them up and
a media license with MTV, VH1, ESPN, and the Fuel
Network. Wow, way to go boys. I'm sure you have a
long life ahead of you playing Clear Channel-sponsored
sock hops. (CI)
(Insubordination, PO Box 2846, Columbia, MO 21045,
Oh yeah, the Ergs! put out a handfull of great records this year too, but you already knew that. And anyone that hasn't heard The Gaslight Anthem's "Sink or Swim" album needs to jump on that shit yesterday. More on that later.